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~ ღ ~ Living Awareness ~ ((( ॐ ))) ~ The Fountain of Youth ~ ღ ~ |
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~ ∞ ~ ~ ॐ ~ Awaken to ~ ॐ ~ • Living Awareness • ~ ∞ ~ |
And now, we can delve deeper into Living Awareness itself. As we learned from the previous chapter, Living Awareness is a term that describes expanded and focused state of being, or simply “pure awareness”; it builds upon the idea of an Omnipresent Awareness – residing beyond consciousness, transcending space and time. Living Awareness creates Living Consciousness through which we perceive the world around us; consciousness arises when Living Awareness observes itself through its many emanations.
So it could very well be said that Living Awareness – Pure Alive Presence, is the very nature of Life itself; sometimes this presence is also called as God, Spirit, or simply just the Source of All Being – whatever name suits your fancy, for you see, it matters not what name we call it – in essence, at the deepest level, they all mean the same.
So it could very well be said that Living Awareness – Pure Alive Presence, is the very nature of Life itself; sometimes this presence is also called as God, Spirit, or simply just the Source of All Being – whatever name suits your fancy, for you see, it matters not what name we call it – in essence, at the deepest level, they all mean the same.
Living Awareness is the creative ground of intention and intuition, and at the same time, it is the source of the sparkle, joy and vitality that we enjoy when we are in touch with our own being; it is our bridge to the creative ground, in which all things abide and from which they spring. Living Awareness is shared with every particle within All Life, and thus Living Awareness is the Heart of Living Life.
This eternal, Infinite Awareness observes every part of the Creation by utilizing Living Consciousness as the means; consciousness arises when awareness observes the Creation or any part of its many emanations – so in this sense, Living Awareness is also aware of itself as the other (mirror). In order for the Infinite to know itself as something that is finite, it has to pretend to be separate from itself – this is the way in which the Living Awareness creates consciousness through which we perceive the world around us.
Living Awareness provides the key to the nature’s secrets and its natural, normative way of life that is inherently invisible, inaudible, and intangible. In nature, Life’s secrets and the containers are invariably intertwined and paired together – answers lie hidden beneath appearances, which means that the questions and answers, the problems and solutions, are separated only by imagination and abstraction.
And these are connected and linked together by awareness, and what keeps them seemingly separate is the level of awareness, you see? This is the clue to understanding all existence. Everything is disclosed only to those who can get rid of their personal biases, opinions, wishes or prejudices about life and existence, which goes on to say that one comes to grips with it by aligning with the core of all being – simply by being more aware of what is.
If one were to ask how does Living Awareness differ from awareness, they would get an answer along the lines of: not by much, other than that of emphasis being placed on the experiential aspect of it – to differentiate between mere idea and something truly alive. Living Awareness is all about experiencing our core essence, experiencing life directly, experiencing reality directly.
This type of experiencing is beyond all indirect methods we commonly depend on for knowing about our experience – such as thinking, sensing, reasoning, feeling, and believing. Just in the same way as intuition doesn’t need reasoning for it to work, so in the same way is the case with direct experiencing, you see?
Hence, it goes without saying that indirect experiencing is limiting in more ways than one. You see, our senses only give us indirect information, which means that we filter in the things that we are familiar with, and filter out the things that we have no prior knowledge or comprehension. And so it goes that the mind and the senses filter out the reality of pure presence – that of Living Awareness.
And this is where the difficulty comes in: there is more to experiencing direct connection to all Life than any language could ever describe – language can only convey an idea of what direct experiencing is like, and because language cannot ever describe the true essence of our existence and our experience of it, we are forced to use sounds, signs and symbols in an effort to re-connect with the Life-force that runs through everything.
Furthermore, even though language is a process of free creation – its laws and principles are fixed, and also the interpretation of words are infinitely varied. Therefore, one can only do their best in conveying even a minor portion of the essence of it, in conveying an explanation that is both understandable and easily approachable, yet precise and comprehensive enough to cover the essentials.
And so it goes that of all the words we have in our vocabulary, Living Awareness is best suited to describe our True Essence, which is just pure beingness, pure awareness – unchanging state free from all ideas, concepts, and definitions. In that sense, it can be said that Living Awareness differs from awareness in the way that it’s a state of being that includes everything and does not exclude anything; this kind of state can be seen as non-dual, which means that there’s no judgment of any kind because there’s no thinking process involved.
By virtue of the aforementioned, it can be said that embodying the present moment by being a fully conscious witness is the same as Living Awareness – it is a pure state of being in this direct experiencing, you see? When Living Awareness embodies our existence – we feel truly alive, in harmony with ourselves and with the world around us; we know who we are, and what we should do in any given moment; we are balanced and effective in ourselves, and hence others appreciate our coherence.
When we are open to Living Awareness, everything we experience is fresh and full with new possibilities. Living Awareness brings into balance the conflicting needs of the different parts of our life – feelings and emotions, mind and body, Soul and Spirit.
This type of pure presence aligns all parts of ourselves and takes us to a place where we discover with absolute certainty exactly what is appropriate for any given situation – with greater awareness we can make better choices, picking options that genuinely enrich our life. It is quite interesting that although this should be our normal state of life, our normal state of being, we mostly settle for less. Intriguing, isn’t it?
We all have within us the capability of becoming aware of this innate connection to all Life, but somehow, we as the collective humanity have learned to forget it. And yet, in spite of this, there seems to be some kind of innate driving force within every human being that seeks to remind us of this lost connection.
Some people have immersed themselves so deeply into forgetfulness that they have fallen to oblivion, like a ship lost at sea at night without the guiding light from a lighthouse, drifting farther and farther off course. This disconnection has caused the experience of separation, and further polarized the individual into a completely opposite direction from the Living Life. The separation itself causes the basic feeling of emptiness that drives us to seek fulfillment from the outside sources.
Spiritually oriented people are often searching for the connection to this pure Living Awareness outside of themselves, which happens in countless different forms like self-help books, podcasts, videos, websites, workshops, workouts, lectures, courses and retreats, but also with many different kinds of healing modalities.
In a similar way, also scientifically oriented individuals are searching for the answers from outside of themselves, through microscopes and particle accelerators; likewise, mathematicians are trying to solve the mystery of life with their ever-complicated formulas; theoretical and quantum physicists are doing this with their mind-based theories which are sometimes so obscure that even they themselves don’t seem to understand their own theories – mainly because these various theories have no basis on the actuality of reality, on how the multidimensional, simultaneous, eternal existence is actually working.
The only reason why people feel the need to return to Living Awareness through these various methods is because they think that they have left from somewhere as Spirit. In all actuality, there is no distance between Living Awareness and itself, nor time where something can occur; Living Awareness never becomes anything else than Living Awareness, it never leaves anywhere – Living Awareness just is. If the individuated self could comprehend this on a conscious level – that realization alone would set it free.
You see, knowing that you have never been anything else than pure Living Awareness – is true peace and happiness; the clear, deep inner knowing that I am whole, all experience is made out of myself, I need nothing but I am everything – is fulfillment in and of itself – see? This we can call an “Awakening,” which is something that takes place within each of us whenever we are ready to remember our eternal nature, whenever we are ready to take that first step in remembering who we are at the deepest level of our being, whenever we are ready to know our core essence as Spirit.
Awakening to Living Awareness is simply becoming aware; and being aware, each moment, of what we are doing as we are doing it, of what we are thinking as we are thinking it, and how we are feeling as we are feeling it, you see? Thus, the quality of our consciousness is elevated, the quality of our mind is elevated, and in turn, the quality of our thoughts, words, and actions is elevated. Mindfulness, meditation, concentration, and contemplation are the keys through which, and by which, one can make real progress – see? It is through these methods that one is able to discover their True Essence as Spirit.
This brings us to the conclusion: at this point in our evolvement as a species, with this level of collective consciousness and understanding, with this level of spiritual development – it is almost pure impossibility to understand the mystery of life from the view-point of the mind. This is because the human mind – as we know it today, is the limiting factor; the dualistic human mind with linear programming cannot understand something that is very much non-linear, beyond words, ideas, concepts, and definitions.
This goes on to say that philosophical pondering will only feed the mind with more pondering and thinking; religions will always create debate with their differing and opposing views; scientific methods will always provide an outside representation of what IS, and eventually what IS – can only be experienced subjectively in perfect symmetry, harmony, and balance of light/dark, female/male aspects of ourselves; and ultimately, what IS – can only be experienced subjectively in full harmony, here and now » within « from where we can transform polarity back into a Non-Dual state of Unity with all Life.
~ ॐ ~ Sambodhi Padmasamadhi ~ ∞ ~
Get the Book: Awaken the Living Awareness Within – Discover the Keys to Happiness, Inner Peace & Harmony
~ ॐ ~ Sambodhi Padmasamadhi ~ ∞ ~
Get the Book: Awaken the Living Awareness Within – Discover the Keys to Happiness, Inner Peace & Harmony
[ Click » here « to read the next part: 7 Levels of Living Awareness ]
Extra Material: Video: Live Fully Now - Alan Watts. Video description: "Live Fully Now: An inspirational and profound speech from the late philosopher Alan Watts."